Tag: Architecture
Astana Grand Mosque
I lived for 8 years in Astana, Kazakhstan. It is the rapidly growing capital of the largest country in Central Asia. The country is situated south of Russia, and west of China, although significantly smaller than either of those neighbors, remains as one of the top 10 largest countries in the world. Astana, meaning “capital”…
Day Trip to Malaga: Street Scenes, Roman Theater, and Alcazaba de Malaga
The location of Malaga has been a human settlement for thousands of years. As a city it was founded by the Phoenicians, was an important part of Roman Iberia, a major city in Islamic Al-Andalus, then a key piece of the Monarchy of Catholic Spain, and continues to be an important commercial city in contemporary…
A Day in Malaga
I live in a tiny Pueblo in Malaga Provence in the autonomous region of Andalucía in southern Spain. It’s a mouthful when I put it that way. My understanding is that the general administrative organization of the country starts at the top with the government in Madrid. Under that are a number of regions/autonomous regions.…
Baldosas de Terrazzo: Terrazzo Tile
I know that I had seen Terrazzo before moving to Andalucía. It’s the material that the Hollywood walk of fame is made of. It’s a classic flooring material, and has roots in ancient Egyptian architecture, though according to Wikipedia it started its rise in popularity in 15th century Italy. According to Vox.com and Dwell.com, it…
Vestiges of Al-Andalus; Granada and Alhambra
Looking back on the Travelogues that I’ve written here, there is a clear trend toward travel-as-exploring-history. This piece continues that trend. History is deeply intertwined with both my photography and travel. Looking through the viewfinder at an urban scene, say, or at a piece of architecture, I always seek to capture something about the world…
Tres Hermanos de Flamenco
Flamenco. Andalucia. Words that are nearly inseparable. The instantly recognizable notes emanating from a Flamenco guitar can transport nearly anyone, nearly anywhere, to a Spanish pueblo resplendent in whitewashed houses with brightly colored trim, with tile-work, gardens of brightly colored flora, and men and women reflexively dancing to the native sounds of this part of…
An Evening Stroll through the Pueblo
Our little Pueblo is a place that constantly fires my imagination. I day dream about the countless generations who built this and the other Andalucían Pueblos stone by stone, and tile by tile. I took a little evening stroll the other day as the sun began its final encore and soaked in the end of…
Looking Up
A lot of my photography is an effort to record what it is that I see. I love to look at the world around me. People, and their interactions with their environments, objects in space, landscapes that go on and on. And I like to look up and see what my normally busy self is…
Dolomite Mountains to Venice
From the age of four until I finally got a drivers license and regular access to a car some 13 years later, bicycles were a huge part of my life. The demands of teenage/twenty-something living put the bicycle out of my mind for the most part for many years. As an adult I picked up…
Fotografica by the Color: Wide Gamut
Probably like butterflies or other creatures, I am attracted to color. Bright color. Many colors. All together. Growing up I recall the daunting task of “matching” clothes to wear to school. This was done using some dark-art of pre-teen and teenage color theory that I only learned in glancing blows. I never understood the details.…
Doors of Andalucía
The gorgeous Pueblos Blancos of Southern Spain contain a multitude of stunning sights. Perhaps not the most obvious are the doors on homes and buildings. The front door of a home is a boundary between the public and the private. If left open these are an invitation. Closed, they send potential visitors away.
Pueblo at Sunset
In Andalucía in Southern Spain, there are incredibly beautiful villages, Pueblos Blancos, filled with white painted buildings and homes in the mountains. Built over centuries, the location of the villages perched on mountainsides provided protection and security in extremely culturally divided times. Today they are vibrant and historic places where people live and work. They…