Category: Travelogue
Bike-Cation 2024
For the last few years I have been lucky enough to take a bicycle oriented vacation with my by brother Steve. 2023 saw the big Dolomites to Venice tour, but most years we meet in Indiana and plan 4 or 5 days of rides. Our 2024 bike-cation centered on Bloomington and points north, and then…
Astana Grand Mosque
I lived for 8 years in Astana, Kazakhstan. It is the rapidly growing capital of the largest country in Central Asia. The country is situated south of Russia, and west of China, although significantly smaller than either of those neighbors, remains as one of the top 10 largest countries in the world. Astana, meaning “capital”…
Overnight Bicycle Tour
Over this past winter I imagined an overnight bike tour in Andalucia — my destination the Caminito del Rey. The Caminito del Rey (the Kings little path) is an elevated walking path through a gorge near Ardales in Málaga province. It was built as a service path for workers on a nearby hydroelectric plant. I booked a night at a hotel…
Day Trip to Malaga: Street Scenes, Roman Theater, and Alcazaba de Malaga
The location of Malaga has been a human settlement for thousands of years. As a city it was founded by the Phoenicians, was an important part of Roman Iberia, a major city in Islamic Al-Andalus, then a key piece of the Monarchy of Catholic Spain, and continues to be an important commercial city in contemporary…
A Day in Malaga
I live in a tiny Pueblo in Malaga Provence in the autonomous region of Andalucía in southern Spain. It’s a mouthful when I put it that way. My understanding is that the general administrative organization of the country starts at the top with the government in Madrid. Under that are a number of regions/autonomous regions.…
Vestiges of Al-Andalus; Granada and Alhambra
Looking back on the Travelogues that I’ve written here, there is a clear trend toward travel-as-exploring-history. This piece continues that trend. History is deeply intertwined with both my photography and travel. Looking through the viewfinder at an urban scene, say, or at a piece of architecture, I always seek to capture something about the world…
Dolomite Mountains to Venice
From the age of four until I finally got a drivers license and regular access to a car some 13 years later, bicycles were a huge part of my life. The demands of teenage/twenty-something living put the bicycle out of my mind for the most part for many years. As an adult I picked up…
A Week in Bodø: A first visit to the arctic
In my early 20’s I had a 5 year career as a sailor on the schooner Ernestina (christened Effie M. Morrissey at original launch in 1894, and recently renamed Ernestina-Morrissey to honor the variety of working lives she has had), a tall ship that had at one time been a preeminent vessel for arctic exploration…